Rollovers and transfers
The money from your previous employer's retirement plan may be one of your largest assets. Know your options to make an informed decision about what you can do with those funds.
Make the most of your old retirement account
What is a rollover?
There are a number of great reasons to consider a rollover from a former employer's retirement plan to a State Farm® IRA.
Transfers made easy
Simplify your savings by consolidating your IRA assets into one IRA with State Farm.
Account options
Find out which IRA might be right for you.
Risk Disclosures
Neither State Farm® nor its agents provide tax or legal advice.
Prior to rolling over assets from an employer-sponsored retirement plan into an IRA, it's important that customers understand their options and do a full comparison on the differences in the guarantees and protections offered by each respective type of account as well as the differences in liquidity/loans, types of investments, fees, and any potential penalties.
Before investing, consider the funds' investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. This and other important information is contained in the fund prospectuses and summary prospectuses which can be obtained by visiting Read it carefully. Securities distributed by State Farm VP Management Corp.
Securities are not FDIC insured, are not bank guaranteed and are subject to investment risk, including possible loss of principal.